Review by Nikos Vatopoulos - KATHIMERINI
του Νίκου Βατόπουλου, ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ, Νοέμβριος 2023
Review of the Exhibition "I'll meet you in your dreams"
by Iris Kritikou, October 2023
Review for the exhibition "I see la vie en rose" by Liana Zoza
Iris Kritikou: In the shadow of poetry
Ίρις Κρητικού, Στον ίσκιο της ποίησης
Exhibition by Gefso Papadaki at Cube Gallery, Patra
Άρθρο Νίκου Βατόπουλου στην Καθημερινή της 23ης Μαρτίου 2019.
Gefso Papadaki’s memory mines
Nikos Vatopoulos article in KATHIMERINI newspaper [23.11.2018] about Gefso Papadakis' exhibition at GALLERY GENESIS.
Dream Team
εφ."Δημοκρατία", Αθήνα 16 Μαρτίου 2018, σελ.29.
"Greek art goes to Paris"
εφ ."Αξία", "Η Ελληνική Τέχνη πάει στο Παρίσι" της Ειρήνης Πιτσόλη. Αθήνα, 11 Απριλίου 2017, σελ.32.
"Echo of Auctions"
εφ. "Ηχώ των Δημοπρασιών". Αθήνα 7 Απριλίου 2017, σελ. 13.
"GefsoPapadaki, Memories, human destiny, love, time"
εφ. Ηχώ των Δημοπρασιών. Εξώφυλλο & σελ.16. Αφιέρωμα με τίτλο "Γεύσω Παπαδάκη, Μνήμες,ανθρώπινη μοίρα,έρωτας, χρόνος".Αθήνα, 6 Ιανουαρίου 2017.
"Big Screen",The Athenian cinemas.
Big Screen, The Athenian cinemas, "Panorama" , Newspaper "Kathimerini" , Athens, 5 September 2015.
Tsitsanis Tribute
Group show, "Tsitsanis tribute", newspaper Kathimerini, "visual arts", Athens, 5 April 2015.
Tsitsanis at Ianos
Tsitsanis at Ianos, newpaper Dimokratia, by Y.Vazoura, Athens, 2 April 2015.
The merciless moonlight in the paintings of Gefso Papadaki
Gefso Papadakis "How time passed"
Opening: Tuesday, 3, March 2015, 20.00 o'clock
Exhibition Duration: 3 - 28, March 2015
Charitos 35, Kolonaki, 106 75, Athens. 211 - 7100566
Review of Arvanitis
"How time passed", newspaper "Politis", Athens, April 2015.
"Looking and thinking"
Γιάννης Κολοκοτρώνης. "Με το βλέμα και τη σκέψη". Κείμενα για την τέχνη και τους καλλιτέχνες 1987-2014. Αθήνα 2015, εκδόσεις Μέλισσα, σελ. 328.
Review of Nikos Vatopoulos
Coffee houses feed Athenian Art History, by Nikos Vatopoulos, Nespaper Kathimerini, Athens, 5 November 2014.
"Aspects" N. Vatopoulos
"Aspects" by N. Vatopoulos, When the "new" becomes part of History, newspaper Kathimerini, Athens, 16/3/2014.
Land mementos and Gefso Papadaki's vast patridognosia*
Gefso Papadaki, bringing together a palimpsest of memories, historical events and personal journeys, explores the signs of a dense, dotted horizon.
By Nikos Vatopoulos, Newspaper 'Kathimerini', 03-04-2012
"General Characteristics of Art in the 20th Century"
Γιάννης Κολοκοτρώνης. "Γενικά χαρακτηριστικά της Τέχνης στον 20ο αιώνα. Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη 2008. Aναφορά στη σελίδα 185.
The suggestive painting of Gefso Papadaki
Gefso Papadaki's disciplined and reflective painting portrays her effort to feel the unconditional limits of her own personal freedom.
"Greek Painting in the Twentieth Century"
Χρύσανθος Χρήστου. "Η ελληνική ζωγραφική στον εικοστό αιώνα". Σύλλογος προς διάδοσιν ωφέλιμων βιβλίων. Αθήνα 2007, σελ. 444,445,446.
Gefso Papadaki, reacting to the way memories flawlessly imprint themselves on the surrounding space, retained and awaken in the subconscious, draws on all the different stimuli she receives from any reality that surrounds her. Realities that orientate and direct her to introspection, allowing her to explore, envision and artistically reshape the journeys of the mind and imagination.
Athina Schina, 2007